Genetics Overview

Genetics Overview 🧬

Genetics is the study of the mechanisms involved in the control, transmission, and expression of inherited characteristics. πŸ“š

Variation 🌈

Variation refers to the differences in characteristics among organisms of the same species. There are two types of variation:

Continuous Variation πŸ“

Definition: Characteristics that exhibit many intermediate forms between two extremes. 🌟

Examples: Height, complexion, and body mass/size in humans. πŸ‘€


Discontinuous Variation 🚫

Definition: Characteristics that fall into distinct groups with no intermediate forms. ❌

Examples: Sex, blood groups, and eye color in humans. πŸ‘οΈ


Chromosomes and Genes 🧬

Chromosomes: DNA threads found in the nucleus responsible for storing inherited information in the form of genes. πŸ“¦

Chromosome Numbers πŸ”’

Each species has a fixed number of chromosomes:

Types of Chromosomes 🧬

Sex Chromosomes: Determine the sex of the individual. 🚻

Autosomes: Non-sex chromosomes. βš™οΈ

Nuclear Division πŸ”„

Nuclear division is the process through which new cells (daughter cells) are formed from existing cells (parent cells). There are two types of nuclear division:

Mitosis πŸ”

Produces two genetically identical diploid daughter cells from one diploid parent cell. πŸ‘Ά

Stages of Mitosis:

Importance of Mitosis: Growth, regeneration, asexual reproduction, and maintenance of genetic stability. 🌱

Meiosis βš–οΈ

A reduction division that produces four genetically different haploid daughter cells from one diploid parent cell. Involves two divisions (Meiosis I and Meiosis II). πŸ”„

Importance of Meiosis: Formation of gametes and contribution to genetic variation. 🌍

Monohybrid Inheritance 🧬

Monohybrid inheritance involves the study of one characteristic controlled by a single gene. πŸ”

Key Genetic Terms:

Mendel’s Experiments πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬

Mendel used garden peas for his experiments because they have a short life cycle and exhibit contrasting characteristics. 🌱

Experiment 1: Crossed homozygous tall plants with homozygous short plants, resulting in all tall offspring (F1 generation). 🌾

Experiment 2: Allowed F1 plants to self-pollinate, resulting in a phenotypic ratio of 3 tall to 1 short in the F2 generation. πŸ“Š

Back Cross (Test Cross) πŸ”„

A test cross involves crossing an organism with a dominant phenotype with a homozygous recessive organism to determine its genotype. πŸ”

Blood Group Inheritance 🩸

Human blood type is controlled by three alleles: IA, IB, and IO. 🩸

Sex Inheritance 🚻

Sex determination in humans is controlled by the X and Y sex chromosomes. XX indicates a female, while XY indicates a male. πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦°πŸ‘¨β€πŸ¦°

Sex Linkage πŸ”—

Non-sex genes located on sex chromosomes are known as sex-linked genes. Examples include haemophilia and red-green color blindness. 🧬

Mutations ⚠️

A mutation is a sudden change in the structure of a gene or the number of chromosomes. πŸ”„

Selection 🌱

Selection is the process by which environmental pressures eliminate some individuals while allowing the fittest to survive. 🌍

Genetic Engineering πŸ› οΈ

Genetic engineering involves transferring genes between organisms, which can be of the same or different species. πŸ”„

Example: Human insulin production by transferring the gene for insulin into bacteria. πŸ¦